Advice for Couples Who Disagree On Covid-19

Every day I receive LoveLife Assessment forms from people who find me online with via YouTube or Social Media. After reading one from Melissa a 43 year old asking me for advice for couples who disagree on Covid-19 I knew I had to blog about this. It hit very close to home for me. My boyfriend of 4 years (who I refer to as Mr. S) have gotten into some pretty heated discussions about Covid-19.

Many couples are clashing and arguing over Covid-19.

I’m sure other couples are going through debates over everything from the lockdown, the food they eat, amount of alcohol they drink, to their stance on how the whole Covid-19 has been handled by the media and government. Couples who disagree on Covid-19 are at odds with one another.

Social media is an all out full on war. Covid-19 has added more fuel to the political divide where people are bored, at home, working a few hours here and there and then taking their frustrations out on Facebook (and Twitter).

So I get it, trust me… boy oh boy do I get it.

Couples who are otherwise cool with one another, in love, respectful of one another’s differing viewpoints all of as sudden are on opposite ends arguing when it comes to Covid-19.

Melissa, like me, didn’t feel right about the fear mongering and what seemed like a manufactured virus, combined with manufactured fear pushed by the mainstream media.

She revealed that her intuition was firing off questions. So, she turned to the internet and started searching.

As I was reading Melissa’s LoveLife Assessment I’m think whoa, the same thing happened to me.

In my case somewhere early April, I’d say about 2 and a half weeks into the official lockdown where everything shut down and we were told to stay inside my bullshit meter (intuition) went into high alert.

I’m watching the news and listen to the messaging and I felt like I was being programmed. I was being sold a narrative and my body was responding. It was primal for me. I felt my temples throb, a pit in my stomach and my adrenaline kick in. It was my physiological response to lies.

I hadn’t had it that intensely since 9/11.

That said, I was inspired to search and the question that came to my mind was simple and obvious.

Where did the coronavirus come from?

Welcome to the rabbit hole.

Very quickly I was led to London Real with Brian Rose who I LOVE! As an entrepreneur, I’m already interested in filling my head with ideas from other successful entrepreneurs and Brian Rose interviews the best of the best and is an entrepreneur himself.

I see this video with this man, David Icke who is a world renowned author labeled a conspiracy theorist, a created by the CIA used to describe anyone who questioned the murder of John F. Kennedy, (I prefer the term critical thinker), who has spoken all over the word sharing his 30 years of research.

This research has led David Icke to a belief that the illuminati or shadow government is who really runs things on the planet and the visible government we see is comprised of figure heads pushing the agenda which is a new world order resembling that of the movie The Hunger Games. David Icke calls it the Hunger Games Society.

Anyhoo… I watch the video and I’m listening to David Icke and I’m thinking, oh my God this feels right to me.

I keep listening, and then things take a sharp right turn when he gets into the shape shifting reptilians but even then, I’m evolved enough to believe in life on other planets, other dimensions and well not all are friendly.

Ok so the David Icke stuff led me to curiosities about Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci and then the whole "#firefauci hashtag started up.

Then the 5G discussion and the vaccinations with the nanotechnology and then the mother of all of it… QAnon with the death of Jerry Epstein and the celebrities and world leaders allegedly associated with a human trafficking pedophile ring all explained in the documentary Out of Shadows.

I was allocating time out of my day to research this stuff. And… the more I found, the more I found and it really started making more and more sense to me.

Conspiracy theorist or critical thinker accused of being crazy?

And then…the second interview Brian Rose did with David Icke on London Real mid April was the highest viewed streamed video in the history of YouTube; millions upon millions of views and BOOM! YouTube pulls it down.

Censorship. Why is YouTube Censoring videos? What don’t they want us to know about?

The exact thing David Icke said would happen and the people who created Out of Shadows which goes into how the mass media programs us through the movies, commercials, TV shows, news coverage etc.

So here it is lockdown and Mr. S is coming over on the weekends. He lives 5 blocks away from me so we’re either together or working from home. We’d go for walks together around Miami Beach, shop for food, all is well.

Then he told me what he saw on the news about masks becoming mandatory and how all these people are dying and it’s awful and we need to get masks, and I need to wear mine and take the taser whenever I go out to walk Taz (my dog). Fear energy!

I’m listening to him and I’m thinking, Ok Lisa, you know what your research said, how some of it is out there but most of it, totally believable.

So I flat out say, “babe so Covid-19 is a scapegoat for the rollout of 5G. Bill Gates is a sociopath as is Elon Musk and Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates are in cahoots to vaccinate all of humanity with nanotechnology so that a new world order can be ushered in with hardcore surveillance, social points earned by how well we follow orders and a digital currency that will be rationed out to people based on a class structure based on obedience and acquiescence.”

I added… this whole Covid-19 thing is a planned scam. Scamdemic! That’s what I’m starting to call it. The want us to stay inside so they can roll out 5G and the creation of a virus and a fear inducing narrative all over the mainstream media is the perfect way to keep us inside. Meanwhile the negative symptoms of the 5G are the same as Covid-19. And… notice how there are many cases but few deaths and the most affected countries are the places rolling out 5G. So 5G weakens immunity and then Boom! These people get coronavirus.

I felt like the scene at the end of Ace Ventura when Jim Carrey takes the deep breath and explains how he solved the case.

He replied with one word… “WHAAAAAAAAT???”

I held off on sharing the stuff about the shape shifting reptilians and Hillary Clinton’s 30,000 emails that was the smoking gun bomb drop that happened right before Trump was elected president containing all kinds of code words commonly used by pedophiles to hide what they are doing.

I also held off on telling him about adrenochrome which is oxidized adrenaline obtained from the torture of thousands of trafficked children who are hidden in underground cities and how satanic cults in Hollywood full of Hollywood celebrities at spirit cooking parties eating food made to look like human bodies.

I hit him with that later in dribs and drabs playfully so he assumed that there are just such freaky out there things on the internet.

But then things started getting more and more heated especially when the conversation turned to Bill Gates and vaccinations.

Me: They’re going to make the vaccinations mandatory. This is getting creepy. They’e going to force us to get them if we want to travel, go to sporting events, concerts anywhere there are ore than 10 people.

Him: Vaccines are good. They need one for this. Then we can just get the vaccine and back to living.

Me: Babe you don’t know what is in these vaccines. It’s bad! When we were born there were like 3 vaccines now there are 16 and if you notice more kids with autism and people in their 20’s 30’4 40’s with mental illness, ADHD, fibromyalgia, all sorts of chronic illnesses.

Him: But you don’t know it’s because of the vaccines. It’s also because of the food.

Me: Yes true the food and the vaccines and microwaves and satellites in the atmosphere and cellular towers soon beaming 5G down to every corner of the earth.

You see where this is going.

Ultimately it’s a dance of him saying did you hear xyz news story, and me hitting him with how it’s bullshit and cannot be trusted. None of it!

He wears masks bought me masks and I refuse to wear them. I wear them only inside stores because it became mandatory. There are plenty of doctors out there saying that the masks are not healthy (especially when worn in humid Miami where we live).

He is ready to get the Gates vaccine and I’m like oh hell no.

He doesn’t think it at all odd that the Microsoft guy is running his mouth off about medicine and science and what we inject into our bodies.

He doesn’t think anything about Bill Gates being the 2nd leading funder of the World Health Organization.

He thinks Bill Gates is a nice man with loads of money trying to do nice things in the world.

I am at the point now where I can’t even talk about this with him. It’s two completely different world views. He believes everything in the mainstream media and I question everything.

“What good does this do you?” He asks me. “All of this conspiracy stuff, what good does it do?”

So here’s my advice to Miss Melissa… and any other couple who have been arguing about politics and the coronavirus Covid-19.

Hi Miss Melissa,

I’m right there with you and I’m glad I received your LoveLife Assessment. My advice is going to be quick and simple. Accept him. Accept that he has his views and you have yours. Be incredibly present. Be loving and kind to yourself. Protect your peace.

Opt out of any discussions about this topic or any others that will most likely lead down a bad path. No talk of 9/11, Kennedy murder, moon landing, Area 51 none of it. Keep it light and fun and turn to Facebook Groups and like minded Meet Up Groups (doing Zoom Ups) to talk about this stuff.

Cook together, go for walks, talk about the fun you’ll have going out to eat. Brainstorm travel ideas. Just stay off anything controversial.

Yes it will take leadership and discipline. I decided to put my two decades of public relations experience o good use and scripted a statement that I will now use with my boyfriend and you can use it if you’d like.

When he mentions something reported in the news, just reply with, “that’s interesting.”

Then let him tell you about it. Say nothing. Just nod.

You’ll want to start the debate. Don’t. Think it for yourself. Keep it to yourself.

Then change the topic. He’ll notice and if perceptive will comment about how you don’t like to talk about the news. That’s when you say…

“I decided best not to share any contrarian views unless you’re open to hearing them. If you are then I’ll gladly share what I’ve seen so you can judge for yourself. Right now you’re not open to it and I accept that. Given this I am choosing not to comment further on these kinds of topics. No further questions at this time. Thank you.”

Then give him a hug and tell him you love him.


Having issues with dating or relationships? Take your free LoveLife Assessment today.


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