How to Attract a Masculine Man, an Inspiring Story

If you want to attract a masculine man you need to become a feminine woman. Period. This is the biggest challenge modern women face. They want to attract a masculine man yet society has made them masculine. 

A masculine woman with hyper independence isn’t intimidating to high quality men, she’s off putting. This is what masculine men want women to know. 

Masculine women repel masculine men and instead attract the weaker men, the non committal, immature men who are broke, broken and resentful towards women. 

The other type of man masculine women attract are the beta male SIMPS who prefer a mommy figure who leads them. They never challenge her, never stand their ground. Rely on her to navigate the relationship and eventually the woman feels unfulfilled, wrestless, bored and dumps him claiming she’s outgrown him. 

The truth is the masculine woman is wounded so she has yet to grow fully into herself, her true self. She's inauthentic. She’s mind controlled and socially engineered. 

She doesn’t know how to be in her feminine, allowing a masculine man to give to her, to provide, to lead. 

You see these women all over social media calling for men to be masculine and lead so she can be in her feminine. 

Yeah um… It doesn’t work that way. 

Ladies must heal, do the inner child work, develop actual authentic self love and not the delusional kind we see touted on social media. 

The real work. 

When a woman is healed and whole, she immediately settles into her authentic self and true feminine energy which is magnetic to a masculine, healthy, emotionally, solid man. 

So if you want to attract a masculine man who is a leader, solid, secure and someone who you can respect, then heal the version of you who repels this man. 

Heal the version of you who is afraid to be let down by men yet again. 

Heal the version of you who thinks there aren’t any good men anymore. 

Heal the version of you who fears abandonment and engulfment. 

Become the peaceful feminine woman your ideal man would want. 

Here’s what she’s not… 

Bitchy, angry, promiscuous, arrogant, self righteous, unstable, withholding, manipulative, bullying, abusive, fearful, entitled, loud, obnoxious, delusional, opinionated, combative, needy, over sensitive, overly emotional, mothering, lecturing, frustrated, in her head, insecure, bored, easily influenced or manipulated, wounded, a victim, uneasy, superior. 

Here’s what she is… 

Kind, happy, radiant, peaceful, measured, intuitive, clear, assertive, quiet, open, welcoming, boundaried, reserved, impactful, soft, complimentary, a lady, emotionally stable, awake, aware, committed to truth, knows right from wrong, moral, pleasant, self disciplined, supportive, agreeable, encouraging, alluring, attractive, inspirational, respectful, balanced in her head and heart space, at ease and in flow. 

And here is what the feminine woman attracts. A man who is … 

Giving, confident, responsible, capable, self disciplined, prosperous, directed, clear, doting, warm, fun, witty, intelligent, supportive, focused, courageous, communicative, secure, provisionary, protective, safe, stoic and emotionally self aware and self regulated, concise, respected, assertive, loving and kind. 

A feminine woman will not attract a man who seeks dominance over her. The second I hear a woman express this fear, I know she’s wounded. 

Stop striving to be equals to men as if you need their approval to be seen as equal. It’s disempowering. 

You are equal as a human to other humans because GOD says so. Your creator says all humans are equal. The end. So embody this and then you won’t have to work so hard to try to prove how capable you are. You’re a woman. Revel in that. 

It took me 4 decades to see society for what it is. Once big manipulation by those who think they have authority over those who see themselves as less. 

No human has authority over another human. 

Know this in your soul. 

Research common law, and the difference between lawful vs legal. 

We’ve been played for decades. 

It’s time to wake up. 

Going inward and questioning all of your beliefs about yourself and others is how you begin to get to Truth and yes there is objective truth. 

So if you want to attract the great masculine man with the great life, stop competing with men. Stop speaking poorly about men. Speak about what you want instead of what you don’t.  

See the lie you’ve bought into this whole time and then choose a new direction. 

True power is about creating a life of fulfillment. 

Reprogram your mind for abundance, love, trust, expansion, evolution, and joy. 

The current way isn’t doing you very well. 

You know deep down something isn’t adding up. 

You think you did everything right. 

You went to college, started a career, but now you see time slipping by with more and more exhaustion and fear. 

You’re beginning to look around your living space thinking, is this it? I’m alone! 

You know there’s more and guess what there is. You’re a woman. You weren’t put here to work for a man making his bank account bigger or running your own business too exhausted for a relationship. 

You were put here to bring life to this planet and the social engineers will place dissonance inside women making them think that their 20’s and 30’s are for living freely, partying and buying stuff. 

Imagine if women were encouraged to shift the priority to being young wives and mothers in their 20’s and 30's and then while at home, learn a trade or create an at home business which only grows with the family? 

The workforce would shift. Men would be the empowered earners and providers as they once were.  This means more masculine men and a thriving society.

People would demand laws that make marriage less difficult to toss aside. No fault divorce that financially obliterates men even if their wives cheat and become abusive. We’d shift to a system rooted in morality which rewards healthy families and makes it easy to get support when needed. 

Masculine men want women who are ready to be wives and mothers. 

If you do very well for yourself. Awesome! Keep going. 

I’m coaching a woman right now who is 32 and a self made millionaire. She reached her goal and then got sick, bedridden for 3 weeks… sick. 

While laying in bed, doctors clueless as to what was wrong, she surrendered to her deeper thoughts and truths. 

Her future self came to her while she was lying in bed unable to move due to intense pain that couldn’t be explained. 

Future self congratulated her for her accomplishment then asked her how she truly felt. 

“My love, you’ve done so much in the last decade. I’m proud of you. How do you feel?” 

“I hurt. I ache. My body hurts so much. Why?”

“I had to intervene. I had to put a profound stop on you. There is more for you than this business. What do you really want? You’re 32, alone, sick and only your cousin comes to check on you because she lives in town. Is this enough for you? Is this what you truly want? 

“Noooo (sobbing)!!!  I want love. I want to be a mother, a good one. I want a man who adores me and I want to be a great wife. I am tired. I built this business, made all this money and here I am sick, in pain and if I died tomorrow I would die incomplete. I want to feel complete. I thought this business would bring me safety and security and look at me. I feel like crap.” 

“My love. I came from the future timeline to help you get clear on what is ahead. You are a mother and a wife. But there is a journey you must take to become this new version of you. Start off by healing. Heal your inner child who is so afraid of being let down by people she was supposed to trust, that she made you go go go and create this empire for yourself. Will you do this?” 

“Yes! If this will help me feel good in my body again and less heavy in my heart, less tense, better sleep, not so run down, yes yes! I’ll commit to myself. I have enough money where I can have my team keep things running while I scale back and start to become a wifely woman that my healthy, amazing future husband will want.” 

That was when my client started searching YouTube and found me there. She did her free LoveLife Assessment and then booked her one on one call with me then a full on program and learned how to heal her wounded inner child, to handle all the resentments, the disappointments, the toxic environment she was in. 

She changed her identity within 6 months. 

She worked less. Trusted her team more. Started doing other things that interested her such as painting, pottery, reading, tai chi, jujitsu, dance. 

After her jujitsu class she was feeling great and strong. She couldn’t believe how much pain she was in just a few months before. Then once she agreed to change her life the pain subsided more and more each day. She never got any explanation. Doctor said she was just exhausted.

She knew there was divine intervention here. She needed a new path. 

So she’s at the local coffee shop online waiting for her iced berry tea and she sees this guy. 

Handsome, tall, in shape, dressed in jeans, sneakers and a sweatshirt but pulled together, like a man, not a child in a man’s body. 

She let her eyes linger on him and smiled when he looked back at her. 

He smiled back and stood by her. 

Do you do jujitsu? He asked her. 

Yes! I just got out. I love it. I treat myself to an iced berry tea after class and just sit and chill for a bit. 

Would you mind if I treated you to  your tea today? 

That would be great! Thank you. 

Good because then we can chill together and get to know each other. Yes? 

Yes! I’d like that. 

At this point she’s hearing me in her head… Say YES! Don’t overthink it. Don’t judge yourself. You’re not too sweaty, too sporty, just go with it.  

They sat and chatted for an hour. 

Then they exchanged numbers and later that evening met for dinner. 

He asked her if she’s free later for dinner. No games, no BS. 

Then at the end of dinner, he asked her when she’s available to get together again. 

One date turned to one month, one month turned to one year and on their anniversary of the day they met they went to the coffee shop where they met and he proposed to her. 

Turns out he owns the coffee shop and a few others along with a popular lunch spot in town. 

The man does very well for himself and was masculine and capable, certain of his goals with a plan to achieve them. 

She was able to talk business with him which he liked. However, she only offered opinions when he asked, remained in her feminine energy and never bragged about what she did. Instead she spoke about what she learned which he got tremendous value from.  

She said yes! 

She was clear about how she wanted to be a wife and mom and work from a place of joy and service instead of anxiety and competition. 

He was on board for having a wife who was self made first as a business owner but then as a self loving, healed, whole, dynamic, incredible, feminine woman. 

Their plan is to get married, start a family and she decided to keep her business as a revenue flow but turned daily operations over to someone else. She works about 20 hours per week down from the 70 she used to work which was unsustainable. 

She’s now happily engaged, soon to be married and chill in her feminine energy. 

If she can attract a masculine man, so can you. 

Get started. Do the work. Heal. And what’s truly meant for you will appear. 


Lisa Concepcion is the Founder of a Personal Development Academy offering courses and one on one coaching for awakened, high conscious individuals, who actively invest in bettering themselves and seek solutions for their problems in their relationships and life. Lisa is a Certified Professional LoveLife Coach, and Energy Leadership Master Practitioner through the Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC).


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