Using The Universal Law of Divine Oneness and The Ho’oponopono to Heal Coronavirus

Using The Universal Law of Divine Oneness and The Ho’oponopono to Heal Coronavirus. Right now it’s March 16th 2020 and the whole planet is going crazy about the coronavirus. The news media in America has put everyone into widespread panic. Oddly this has inspired people to stock up on toilet paper. Why not toothpaste or water? I decided to do a lecture series via Facebook Live’s that I’d then upload to my YouTube Channel exploring the 12 Universal Laws (one every day) with hopes to empower people and ease their fears. Day one, Law One is on using the Universal Law of Divine Oneness and the ho’oponopono to heal coronavirus. 

What is the Universal Law of Divine Oneness? 

Well before we can dive into healing ourselves and the planet, there needs to be understanding that there are universal laws and these laws help us to understand our place in the universe and our life on earth. When we work in accordance with these Universal Laws we achieve amazing things in life. We manifest joyous, harmonious life events. We are healthy, whole, confident and secure. 

When we are not aware of and in accordance with universal laws, we are out of alignment, out of faith and slip into a common human existence reacting to things that stress us out. We become fearful and run by our egos. We become victims to our circumstances, feel alone and focus on impending doom and problems instead of solutions. We end up creating dis-ease.

This said, the Universal Law of Divine Oneness basically says that we are all connected energetically, that everything is energy and so the thoughts we think, the words we speak, the actions we take impacts ourselves and each other. 

“Everything that exists seen and unseen are connected to each other, inseparable from each other to a field of divine oneness. Divine all knowing, the matrix, pure consciousness or universal mind energy, sometimes also known as Life Force or God. Everything is one. Everything consists of and exists as energy. 

The Universal Law of Divine Oneness helps us understand that. 

  1. We are all connected to everything and everyone else which means it is impossible to be alone. We are bound through the collective consciousness and divinely loved and guided by God (or Source Energy if you get wadded up with the word God because you tie it to religion instead of spirituality and pure faith.)

  2. All of our thoughts, actions, words and beliefs impact us individually and collectively. So this means you get to choose the kind of world you want to live in. Do you want to be miserable or joyous? Your thoughts determine which kind of life you’ll manifest. When we consider the coronavirus there are people obsessing over the news. In fact they have it on as background noise toxifying their homes and minds with negativity. It is up to us to shift our thoughts, actions, words and beliefs to reflect the positive ideal outcome we want. Instead of looking at what is, look at what you want. Healing! Joy! Love! Alignment! Wellbeing!

  3. There is true power in the collective consciousness! Look at all of the inventions. They all manifested because enough people shared the same desire. Back in the day enough people were fed up with lighting fires and lanterns and candles to have light. So the collective consciousness put the energy of this idea into the mind of Thomas Edison who believed electricity would solve this problem. Boom! Now we have light bulbs. Same thing happened with the automobile, refrigerator, radio, TV, telephone, air travel, computers, email, Netflix. You get the idea. When enough people want something, someone comes along and creates it. 

This makes us powerful.

Are you clear on how powerful you really are? Most people are not. They are walking through life asleep. Then something like 9/11 or Coronavirus comes along and they fail to see their energetic contribution to the manifestation and it’s solution. The awfulness we see is within us. The peace we want is within us too. As Gandhi said, “be the change you wish to see in the world.”

We have the opportunity to wake up. This is a spiritual awakening. The collective consciousness is leveling up as we ask “why is this happening?”

We need to get back into balance. We need to recalibrate our energy.

Now, here’s where this all gets really cool and really practical. 

The Ho’oponopono and healing coronavirus. 

Wait...The ho ho what?  The Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian healing method that is rooted in reconciliation and forgiveness. Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len go deep into the power of the Ho’oponopono in the book Zero Limits. The general idea is that the awfulness you see in others and in the world exists in you. So when you clean you, you clean them too. 

A lot of people prefer looking at the awfulness in their lives and disempower themselves as they blame others and slip into victim mode. I notice this a lot with my clients who are dealing with heartbreak, divorce and healing from narcissistic / codependent relationships. They spend time dissecting what happened and why instead of cleaning and clearing whatever exists in them that made them an energetic match to the awfulness they’re experiencing. 

So the ho’oponopono is easy and fast and it can be done anywhere at any time.

I demonstrate how I use the ho’oponopono with a dry erase board in this YouTube Video here. 

What you do is you identify something awful that is going on in your life and/or the world. You set the clear intention to clean and clear it from your subconscious and you then say…

I am sorry. 

Please forgive me. 

Thank you. 

I love you. 

Now here’s the rub. I can hear people angrily asking why they are apologizing. They didn’t do anything wrong. The awfulness they are going through is happening TO them. 

No my loves, it’s happening FOR you. It’s happening to help you go inward and turn to true faith, Source energy. God!

So when you recognize that the pain you are witnessing or experiencing exists in you making you an energetic match to it, which is why you are witnessing and experiencing it in the first place, you are able to decide. 

Wallow and bang the drum of misery and victimhood. Or… clean, clear and heal it. 

I am sorry.

Please forgive me.

Thank you. 

I love you. 

Feel free to research the Universal Law of Divine Oneness, listen to the book Zero Limits for free on YouTube and Google Ho’oponopono. Create your own healing practice and watch how your life starts to change for the better. 

If I can support you in any way along your healing journey or help you to create the life you desire and deserve, let’s connect. 

Much love.


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