Angry Little MGTOWS, Clarification of High Value Men

I often get trolled by people who identify as MGTOW, Men Going Their Own Way. These are men who are at the opposite of todays awful modern feminists. They’re just as angry, divisive, immature and quite frankly narcissistic, entitled and weak.

These people are stunted. All they know how to do is whine and complain and wallow in negativity. So when a guy, who (for the purposes of this blog) I’ll call Peter reached out to me after taking offense to one of my more popular articles “20 Traits of a High Value Man,” I decided to use his comments as inspiration.

As most conservatives, I am pretty much disgusted at where we are as a society. I’m disgusted with the indoctrination, the Godlessness surrounding gender, and the manufactured divisiveness that has men weak and pathetic. Men aren’t men anymore and the few who have “old school values” and are connected to their essence of protecting and providing for their loved ones, are looked upon with pity from these overgrown babies known as Beta Males who choose to be forever bachelors.

Simply put, beta males don’t want responsibility. They don’t earn a lot of money, cant seem to ever get ahead and are run by fear. They’ve had their fragile hearts broken and were never able to love again, they remain in fear and in victimhood. They hear the rants of these lunatic modern feminists and believe that they should be pursued by women and that western women are ruined. (I sort of agree with them on that point.)

They’re afraid that if they get married a woman will take all their assets. Hello! It’s called a prenup but the interesting thing is that the people who are less likely to attract high value women are the ones vocal about how bad marriage is and how men are better off “hitting it and quitting it.” Values in the toilet.

So now that I set up the background, I will say that I’m not sure if Peter is a MGTOW. Sounds like it and he’s absolutely a beta boy. So let’s dig into what he wrote me and my response to every question and comment. I chose to leave his grammar, spelling and punctuation untouched to underscore who this person is, how they present themselves, and their level of credibility.

Why Are MGTOW Beta Men So Angry?

Pete: I know you are a woman by your name and i came through of your one article about 20 Traits of High value men. And what i found is your article at some points is total sexism and illogical. in your article i strictly disagree with your these points…

My head is already hurting at this point. Do they not teach spelling, punctuation and English? Perhaps English isn’t Pete’s first language. I’ll let that slide. But wouldn’t you have someone who is better with English edit this before submitting? Yet another thing wrong with today’s world.

Ok let’s proceed with Pete’s issues. He has many.

2. He
(The High Value Man) LOVES putting forth effort for a woman
Pete takes issue: Yes he loves putting forth efforts for the woman only if she is worthy of it and reciprocates her responsibilities too.

Um actually NO Pete. A high value man looks out for ALL women. He understands that he is physically stronger than women so when a high value man is out in the world, he is quick to protect women. He makes an effort to hold a door, perhaps help her with her bags even if she can carry them herself. He gives a woman his seat. He respects women and caters to them. This makes him feel like a man.

The problem is that these days women are masculine and do not know how to receive from these kind of men. Luckily I do and the women I coach learn how to receive. The women I coach are tired of attracting weak beta males who only want a pathetic, low value, “friends with benefits” arrangement. These women are exhausted all the time because they are overworked and too in their masculine “doing” energy and aren’t in their feminine “being” energy.

More and more women want to learn how to leave their tough working woman essence at work and step into their feminine energy and carry themselves with grace, intelligence, class, ease, flow, commanding respect as a Queen. These are the women I often coach.

Let’s continue…

Pete: But what you are talking on your this point is about one sided efforts like He asks her about her interests, likes and dislikes and then he plans from there. He also picks her up even if it’s in a car service or Uber. I mean common its Gender equality era

You see what you did you feminist morons with all your divisive gender equality BS? Modern feminism is nothing but an assault on the nuclear family. It put men against women purposely to usher in a whole new agenda. Wise conservatives see this clearly.

I’m very pro male.. alpha male. Beta males are pathetic. However, to be fair and compassionate, they have been brainwashed by culture and coddled by masculine women, their mothers who failed to teach them how to be men.

So for the record, yes, high value men and women ask one another about their interests. Men want to know what a woman likes so he can plan a date accordingly and make arrangements to either pick her up or meet there. He assumes responsibility for her while she is in his presence and wants her to feel safe.

Now little Petey Pie gets all triggered and bitter.

“and if today's women don't give a damn about jobless man even he has good heart why any high value men will waste his time on women who even can't afford car service or Uber?”

Ok Pete, little fool. A high value woman CAN afford the Uber. The high value man knows this. However, it’s a masculine, classy gesture to offer to arrange an Uber to pick her up. It’s chivalry and not only does it still exist, it’s contributing to the rise of more high value men who are out on the town with beautiful women while these beta losers watch on the sidelines or perhaps stay home because they can’t afford to go anywhere.

Unfortunately, given today’s hyper mistrust of people, many women prefer not to give their address to a man, so she chooses to meet him at the location of the first date.

What Pete needs to understand is that while we all can have compassion for the mentally ill who end up jobless and homeless; a high value women respects high value men who work, earn a good living and doesn’t just scrape by. High value men and high value women don’t just scrape by. They have focus, determination, and self worth which fuels a strong work ethic. Their results reflect that. These people date each other. They commit to everything they do and they do it as a team.

9. He understands a woman of value can choose
Yes woman of value can choose and can reject according to their desires but when we reject women then we are accused for being misogynist women haters and chauvinist. Why don't give same suggestion to women too?

Ok first Pete assumes he’s a high value man. High value men present themselves as such so grammar, punctuation, and spelling would be on point. A high value man is credible.

That said, boo hoo, sounds like Petey Pie got and still gets rejected and it sounds like he isn’t dating high value women. When a high value woman is rejected, she accepts it with grace and understands that every date comes with the possibility that it won’t be a match romantically, for either she or the man. She is able to part with dignity as a lady. Only insecure, bitter, frustrated women who are in scarcity mindset take rejection harshly.

The high value woman knows there is another high value man who wants to take her out and in between dates, she enjoys her busy, happy, fulfilling life.

Maybe Pete will consider becoming a high value man so he can attract high value woman and then actually have some first hand experience.

12. He’s clear on his intentions
Yes its important but if we come and say you i hey i find you sexy and sexually appealing lets have some fun. Or you are so gorgeous will you be my wife. Will you assume us to be a high value men?

Another indication Pete is not high value. Clear on his intentions means that he’s interested in a commitment. That he is selective about the women he brings into his circle and wants to vet women with the intent to find a wife not some hookup. He would never start a conversation by telling a high value woman that she’s “sexually appealing” asking to “have some fun.” That’s low value beta boy behavior.

A high value man will think a woman is attractive and he will know how to compliment her as a gentleman. “You’re beautiful, I’m taking you to dinner,” was the line a high value man recently used on me. It worked.

Being clear on intentions doesn’t mean getting a woman into bed. It means being clear on his intentions for her within his life. Again, high value people who read my blog and hire me for coaching know this.

There are many Instagram models get inappropriate comments on their DM's about their boobies a*s clothing etc etc they are directly asked by those men to give them to press her t*ts get their c*m swallow get c*m on their big ass.

I literally roll my eyes at this. Clearly this guy has to be around 16 years old, I mean. The fact that this fool went so graphic is proof of his low value status. How awful. No one taught him manners.

Even i have seen they ask how much she will charge them for one night to sleep with them. They are clear on their intentions. so does it make them high value man?

Clearly Pete is out of his league with his crude comments and clueless about the meaning of the word intentions as used by high value people. You’re speaking an entirely different and classless language.

13. He communicates clearly and effectively and makes his standards known
Here is also the same problem as no. 12 but make his standards known by what? His goal is to reach an agreement.. I mean common not everyone will agree with you that means you are not a high value man?

More education for Pete. A high value man has standards for how he wants to live and who he associates with, where he chooses to go etc… He makes this known by the way he selects restaurants and other outings, how he dresses, what he drives. The man has standards. He also has standards for how he’s treated and how others treat him and he makes this known. A high value woman knows where she stands with him. There’s respect.

15. He knows how to seduce a woman
Yes of course he knows it but mostly he has no time to woo every women because he has more important works to do for self-development and growth he will never focus on seducing women to prove him a high value man because he knows that he is a high value man and doesn't needs validation from any women to prove it. Do any high value women bothered to seduce any men? No because she prefer self-growth over male attention. Women with high value don't give a f^^k about seducing any men so why you think high value men do that?

Pete Pete Pete. He’s correct that a high value man is often busy which is why he doesn’t “woo every woman.” High value men treat all women respectfully but he only puts his full focus and attention on one woman at a time. This is a woman that he really wants to get to know because she meets his standards for beauty, poise and feminine grace.

A high value man doesn’t need validation and doesn’t seek it. He seduces a woman because he knows that’s part of the dance of chemistry. Maybe he touches her leg with his finger while he is speaking with her over a cocktail. Then he may place his hand on the small of her back directing her toward her seat.

Maybe the seduction continues with how he orders their food and asks if she’s interested in champagne.

It also continues through conversation knowing women are seduced through their ears not between their legs.

Seduction means making that woman feel cherished and desired at the same time. It’s sending her off with a slow sexy kiss, and not trying to get into her bed or invite her into his prematurely.

I hope that Pete gets his energy and mindset to a place where he is a high value man so that he can be seduced by a high value woman. A high value woman doesn’t seduce just anyone. Man up Pete!!

16. He locks down the next date before the current one ends.
This is clearly gender biased do you think its a high value men job to take every women on several dates regardless of her equal efforts and worth? Why the hell he will waste his money on women taking them on dates by dates to prove them as a high value?

Here goes Pete parroting these pathetic social paradigms designed to divide the sexes and emasculate men and make women more masculine. Gender confusion! Here it is. Pete fails to understand that courtship isn’t a job it’s a man being in his true masculine. A high value man dates not to prove anything but to show women who he is, a man of value who they can trust, respect and if a suitable romantic match, love and build a life with. Bottom line, high value men aren’t throwing money around on just any woman. He’s selective. When he is with one he likes he asks her what her schedule is like for the rest of the week making it known he’d like to see her again. It’s called pursuing a woman. If he’s high value, a gentleman and she’s attracted and interested, she’ll look at her calendar and they’ll agree on another date.

Will any high value women takes any men on date and locks down second date before it ends?

This comment shows how confused this generation is. It’s the pathetic absurdity that has men and women at odds with one another. I blame modern feminism fueled and indoctrinated at the university level via globalists who want to see families destroyed.

What Pete describes here is a woman being in her masculine energy where she is pursuing men and making the moves. Let’s educate Pete.

High value men like feminine women. Feminine women receive. The high value masculine man gives. That’s how it goes. Then the feminine gives in other ways. The masculine pursues, hunts, “conquers” a woman and then earns her trust as provider and protector. When this isn’t messed with with awful social engineering intended to divide and confuse, everyone is happy.

Only a beta male would ever want a woman to be the man and take him out on a date. A beta male thinks nothing of it. They are feminine men. They are a turn off to high value women. Desperate women chase men.

17. He’s in touch throughout the day
Excerpt from blog: “A high value man knows anything or anyone valuable requires attention. He’ll text her in the morning. Then he’ll check in to hear her voice in the afternoon and if he hasn’t made plans to see her again, he’s calling at night. If he has a busy day ahead, he’ll text in the morning. “Hi beautiful. Have back-to-back meetings today. Will call you when it’s all done probably round 7pm. Know I’m thinking of you.” Then at 7pm he calls like he said he would.

Pete takes issue with this: What do you think of these phrase? Do you think any high profile independent woman has such a spare time to do that to text a man good Moring to hear his voice even he never does? i think they never bother about it ? so why any high value men will make one sided effort to do that? Why don't you suggest same thing to high value women?

Because Pete, this article was about high value men and again… Pete wants women to be masculine and chase the man. Do you see what society has done?

High value men want to pursue women. This is a masculine drive. A high value woman gives permission to the high value male to pursue her. She knows it makes him feel like a man and she loves being in her feminine (receiving). It’s balance and harmony.

What your’e describing is beta boy BS where men want women to court them. Meanwhile they have absolutely nothing to offer her. This puts women in their masculine energy which depletes their energy.

This isn’t to say a woman can’t do nice things for her man. High value women do plenty of kind things for the man they love.

She offers more than deeds. She inspires him to elevate spiritually, emotionally and opens him up.

18. When having cocktails, he gets her water.
If a girl doesn't like cocktail she can get water its her choice and this incident is totally useless point to include to traits of high value man.

Wrong. This only shows Pete’s immaturity. Pete this goes back to taking responsibility for the well being of the woman while in his presence. So he’s paying attention to how much she is drinking and instead of trying to get her drunk and back to his place, he notices she’s had three drinks and orders her a water. He want to earn her trust. It’s a high value gesture and it’s appreciated by high value women.

I’m truly hopeful young Pete learns something from all this. Poor Pete and most of the planet under age 35 have been brainwashed by this disgusting agenda pushed by the media intended to divide men and women.

Get the sexes at each others throats and unable to connect and what do we get? Population control. Transhumanism. Evil agenda. Smart awake people see right through it.

20. He seeks to understand women and doesn’t bail at the first show of emotion.
A high value man knows that no one is perfect. Yes yes but the imperfect person must be a woman because imperfect men needs to worry about their imperfection women with imperfection are still worthy to be dated by high value men. Why high value women bother about imperfection in men? why they want everything aligned according to her demands almost perfect in men? according to you only women are allowed to be imperfect and men needs to be perfect to be recognized by high value women?

Wrong. Both are looking for what they want. Perfection is subjective. This comment is more about sticking through tough conversations and communicating instead of just calling her crazy and leaving when she’s emotional. Granted a high value woman is assertive and firm with no need to get loud or emasculating. She simply states what her problems are and offers the high value man opportunity to decide if he’s willing to do anything about it.

And… the same goes for the man. High value people know what they want, how they are to be treated, what’s acceptable, and have no problem walking away if it’s not working out. You’re hung up on the word perfectionism. The point of this was seeking to understand and communicating through problems.

He wants to see the beauty in her chaos and knows that life takes a toll on great souls.. Do any high value female wants to see the beauty in any men's chaos? Absolutely not because women don't care about men's struggle they hangout the the finish line and choose the winners.

That’s actually victim mentality, and an untrue, limiting belief you carry due to some past experience or story. Everyone has gone through some form of adversity. That’s what makes the high value man so special. He rose above it and isn’t a victim. He learned lessons and used the adversity as fuel to his success. That is what the high value woman respects and admires so much about the high value man.

Pete really needs to get an older woman as a mentor to teach him how to be a masculine high value man instead of a socially manipulated weak beta male who gave his power to awful modern feminists. Stop letting these lunatics emasculate you. Stop wanting women to come at you like men. Be a man.

From the blog: “When she seems afraid or sabotaging, he’ll take her hands in his and say, “tell me…who hurt you, who thought they could mess with your love?” Then he’ll listen and will chime in with his own story of love, loss and growth..... “

Pete: wow sounds so lovey dovey but do any high value women will do this with emotionally broken men? She will not give f$$k about his agony.

More bitterness. Handle it Pete. Your world view is dark and sad. Who taught you about love? Who didn’t care about you when you were a kid? As I said above high value women want to know all about the man they’re with.

So, there you have it. you want ladies to think themselves as a perfect prize for high value men without making any efforts and without taking mutual responsibilities and accountabilities
So do you have answer to my point or you will just play another mind games to prove yourself correct and refrain my points

I want all people to love themselves first, most, best and always so that they all know that they are a prize just as our creator intended us all to be. Two people in a relationship can show up as adversaries or as a team. It can flip at any second. Relationships are delicate and require attention and care from both people.

I suggest Pete and the other members of the gender bended millennial generation watch some classic movies and watch how men and women handled themselves.

What we see is a whole generation who were raised to hate themselves. No wonder they’re all socially awkward unable to function. They lack manners, coping skills and common sense. They think there are hundreds of different genders (there are two) and that anything resembling chivalry is sexist.

How sad. I blame a corrupted government, education system and an insidious Godless Globalist agenda. Pray for mankind.


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