Here's What High Quality Men Want in a Woman

I asked 1000 high quality men between ages 30 and 60 who earn at least 100k per year what they want in women and more importantly, how women repel high quality men without even knowing it. I told them to pretend I am the messenger on their behalf to all women. What follows is their comments. Get ready, this will be a real eye opener. Let’s dive in.

Handle your dramas and traumas.

“I’m a financial analyst not a therapist. This doesn’t mean I don’t care about your feelings and emotions, of course I do. I’m just more inspired by a woman who is self aware, sees where she wants to improve or heal and is actively working on herself.” ~Brian, 44

“There are a lot of broken women out there and they think being in a relationship will validate them in some way so they meet a good guy and then dump all their issues on them.” ~Keith, 52

“You don’t have to be perfect but you definitely have to take personal responsibility for your mental well-being. I’ve had women have melt downs on dates after asking them about their relationship with their parents.” ~Jonathan, 36

“High value men want a powerhouse woman at their side, not an immature girl who hasn’t learned how to tend to her own emotional needs.” ~ Michael, 42

Be clear about what you want.

“I love it when a woman tells me exactly where she is in her life and what she’s ready for. Even if I’m not on the same page yet, I respect her. My fiancee told me on our first date that she was dating to find a husband. It freaked me out but I respected how clear and confident she was. She thanked me for the date, was a true lady and communicated in a way that really made me think. She went on with her life yet, I spent two months dating and comparing everyone to her. Finally, I reached out for another shot. I told her that she inspired me to date to find a wife. Two years later we got engaged”. ~David, 36

“Nothing turns me off more than indecision. I love it when I ask my girlfriend what she wants to eat and she flat out tell me what she wants. It’s seems like a small thing but decisiveness is sexy.” ~Ben 32

Know your worth and where it comes from.

“I love it when a woman knows who she is and what she brings to the table but is pleasant, fun, polite, and a true lady. She knows her worth and exudes confidence without effort.” ~Alex, 50

“When a woman knows her worth she is selective about who she gives her time to. She has an ease and grace to her, a very chill presence. When she gives you her attention you know it matters. You try harder to impress her and are intrigued.” ~Victor, 47

Have a clear direction for your life.

“I can tell if a woman is just looking to be a princess, or for rescue or if she’s on a success track. Just ask them about their career and listen to what they say. My wife was a hair stylist when I met her but she said she also had a bachelor’s degree in business and wants to own her own salon and line of hair care products and had plans to do this within the next 5-7 years. I was impressed. She had a vision, a timeline and a plan. Fast forward 15 years, and we own 3 salons, a spa, and a hair and skincare line.” ~Lance, 48

“High value men can spot gold diggers. There are high net worth men who view women as entertainment and will indulge women who want to be wined, dines, taken on vacations and shopping sprees. High value men who are ready for commitment are looking for a partner, someone to build with, a visionary, someone who can inspire us to strive to reach goals because they are working towards theirs. A woman with clear direction talks about what she wants to achieve. A gold digger talks about what she wants to get from someone.” James, 42

Be authentic. Be real.

“Filters on pictures, too much makeup, extra sexy anything, trying too hard to compete, and fake-ness are all major turn offs. When I scroll through dating apps I’m looking for the energy through the eyes and smile. Take off the sunglasses and smile. Just be real. I want to see she’s someone I can connect with.” ~Stephan, 34

“So many women are existing on two extremes. Either it’s the masculine, “this is me too bad if you don’t like it” attitude thinking that I’m supposed to tolerate their dysfunctions. Or they are trying to be what they think my idea of perfect is. Just be yourself. Show me who you genuinely are. If we fit great if not that’s ok too.” ~Mario, 44

Care for yourself.

“Caring for yourself doesn’t only mean getting manicures and buying clothes. It means giving yourself what you need to feel nourished emotionally, mentally and physically. I love it when a woman tells me she wakes up early on Saturday for an exercise class or a run on the beach or a course she’s taking. It tells me she’s always looking to improve herself, is healthy and looks out for her wellbeing.” ~Josh 37

“I dated this woman who got me into self care. She was cool with my crazy work schedule, but noticed I never ate breakfast, grabbed food on the go, never really enjoyed what I ate and would eat while multitasking. She on the other hand cared for herself. She prepped her food, had fruit and healthy snacks on her all the time. She meditated. She never forced any of it on me but one day I asked her to teach me to meditate. It was a game changer in my life. Then I asked her to help me to become more self caring. She helped me lose 20 pounds, by revamping how I ate, worked and slept. My business grew and I worked smarter not harder. I was clear, more energetic. I felt incredible. When I brought her to meet my parents, my dad told me how my mom did the same thing for him when he was in law school and that was how he knew she was a keeper. Marry a woman who knows how to care for herself he said, so I did. ~ Danny, 41

Have your own friends and life beyond the relationship.

“My ex-wife made our relationship her entire focus. She lost interest in her friends and never made any new ones. She would always want to be together or alone or with her family. She grew bored and extra needy because she didn’t have her group of friends to share things with. Eventually, I felt smothered and as if nothing I could do would ever be enough. My current girlfriend is totally opposite. She has her core crew of friends, hobbies and interests beyond me. She’s always up to something and it’s exciting to be with someone who creates her own happiness through connections with others.” ~Peter, 51

“I was with a woman for 6 months who was incredibly beautiful but didn’t have any friends. She only hung out with me and my friends and her married sister who was miserable. She had a problem connecting with people who weren’t family, massive trust issues.” ~Alan, 35

Be financially self reliant.

“You don’t have to be a self made millionaire but you definitely have to have a career and can’t be a financial disaster. Best to clear up the debt, gain some financial footing so that you enter relationships without the need to be rescued.” ~Tony, 56

“I dated a woman, single mom of two. Her ex-husband went bankrupt and left her with nothing except the kids. That was 10 years ago. By the time I met her she had created an at home business as a sales rep for a cosmetics company earning $95,000 per year. She was debt free and owned a condo. When we got married I moved her and her two kids into a new house. She rents out her condo and still works because she loves it and wants to have financial independence. It’s great!” ~Joseph 47

Be more feminine.

“Women have become guys. They’re so competitive. They don’t know how to receive from a man. I’m old school. I like to be chivalrous. I send flowers. I open doors. I put women into the car and then walk around to the driver’s side. I offer to help. Ladies, let me do for you.” ~Ralph, 55

“Femininity isn’t about stroking a man’s ego by offering forced compliments and praise while tolerating bad behavior. Femininity is about knowing how to touch a man in a way that connects. My wife doesn’t tolerate any of my BS but she also doesn’t judge me or emasculate me. She tells me clearly how I can win with her and how great she feels when I do the simplest things. She also knows how to put her hand on my shoulder or arm or hug me in a way that makes me feel like ahhhh… She inspires me to be a protector and provider; 23 years married and she still has me chasing her. ~Orlando, 53

I have so many more of these comments. I found them so fascinating about where we are as men and women today. The media will have you think that dating is a nightmare, no one wants commitment and marriage is pointless and outdated. This is not true. There are great high value men out there who want a deep meaningful connection with a great woman who loves herself and can give that healthy whole self to them.

If any of these resonated with you and inspired you to change, grow and finally handle that bad pattern let’s connect.

If you want a high quality man, you must learn to become a high quality woman and high quality women take full responsibility for their happiness and lifestyle.

Once women start asking themselves, “who must I become to attract a high quality man,” the truth is revealed. If you found this article, you’re ready to level up and attract your high quality man.

Ready to learn how? Click here.


Lisa Concepcion is a Certified Professional Life Coach who helps people to cure codependency, date with confidence, get over break ups, reinvent themselves after divorce with her signature “LoveQuest 3R Method to Self Love" which calls for radical Reconnection, Reframing, and Reinvention. Lisa has been featured as a dating and relationship expert in dozens of media articles, podcasts, and summits. Based in Florida, Lisa coaches people worldwide via video conference. To connect with Lisa click here.


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