Here’s The Lesser Known Truth for Why You’re Procrastinating 

Procrastination is a common issue that people seek my help in overcoming. There are plenty of productivity experts out there offering explanations for procrastination. Here’s the lesser known truth for why you’re procrastinating. 

Your wounded Inner Child is running the show and they believe something negative about themselves or others and this mindset keeps you stuck. 

Whenever I’m procrastinating, and yes… Life Coaches procrastinate too; I know that there’s a wounded version of me who is either afraid, uncertain or anxious and needs my care, support, attention and quite frankly… discipline. 

Self Discipline is the key. 

Self discipline is about taking action and doing the things that need to get done. This could mean banking and paying bills, scheduling doctor’s appointments and other important things rooted in adulthood.

So when wondering how to have more self discipline, seriously consider Inner Child Work.

People think Inner Child Work is all about coloring in a coloring book and playing with Legos. It goes waaaay deeper than that and for me personally, Inner Child Work was the most effective and sustainable way to achieve self love, self discipline and balance in my life. 

My own healing and reivention is what inspires me to teach this modality to my cleints, many of whom already had been to therapy for years.

Therapy combined with coaching is the one-two punch necessary for actual sustainable positve change. I wrote an article on why here.

The Inner Child (or Children) is your responsibility for the rest of your life. 

Neglecting them is self neglect. Abandoning them is self abandonment. What you do to them you do to yourself.

When working to heal your Inner Child, you recognize that the child version of you didn’t get the love, attention, affirmation, validation, support and nurturing you needed. That’s step one,

Step two is stepping in as the leader and promising your Inner Child that from now on, YOU are their fierce protector and source for love, guidance and when necessary, discipline. 

Clients laugh when I ask them during a session if they want to go get that kid away from those crazy people who raised them?

They are able to see themselves as an adult seperate from this innocent Inner Child who needs their care.

It’s about re-parenting and giving yourself all you needed as a child but didn’t get. It’s about self acceptance and self love.

Procrastination is a form of resistance.

So how do you actually handle your inner child when you’re stuck in this place of knowing what you have to do but stuck in procrastination? 

Ask your Inner Child what the resistance is all about. 

What are they afriad of. What do they think might happen? What do they need? What do they want to know?

Oftentimes when people are stepping into a new identity and are creating a whole new life for themselves, they fear the unknown. 

The unknown is simply the future you get to create. People worry about what will happen. Shift to empowered thinking which gives you the freedom to choose what you want to make happen. Inner Child work empowers you to make good choices and decsions that result in ease and flow.

Challenges are inevitable. The way we approach them determine a path of empowerment or a disempowered victim mindset.

Communicating with your Inner Child

I just moved to a new town with my husband and we look forward to making new friends and I want to advance professionally within my new home city. 

My husband and I both agree on the types of people we want to become friends with but, our home is a comfort zone. We both wanted to live as if we are at a resort. So we built our own provate resort. We even named it “The Oasis by M&L.”

Why would I go to some event to make new friends and perhaps even attract new business opportunities, when I can just float in my pool? 

It’s about commitment to the vision of who you want to be and then behaving as that person.

And most importantly, it’s about sitting with my Inner Child and laying it down, Lis, I love you and first we go to this luncheon and then after, we float in the pool. 

Ask your Inner Child what it needs as you take the lead in doing what is necessary. This will be a gamechanger for self discipline.

My Inner Child told me once that they’ll only go to this business seminar if they can wear a certain dress. 

The dress was a nightclub dress. Totally inappropriate for an afternoon luncheon. So I asked why do you want to wear this dress? And the little Inner Child voice said, “so that I stand out.”

You will learn a lot about yourself once you connect with your Inner Child.

“Little Lisa is a kid is an observer. She held herself back in her family. She didn’t assert herself. She acquiesced to everyone. She went along with what others wanted even if she didn’t feel good about it. Being good mattered more than being happy and true to herself. She didn’t complain. She was a “good girl” but she lost herself in others.

She was a people pleaser choosing the path of least resistance just so she didn’t have to have the exhausting confrontation.

So I get it. She wants to be seen. She wants to matter. 

I stood there in my closet and said to her, Lis, I love you. And… I want you to know that you always stand out. I’m always with you and my focus is always on you even when I’m with other grown ups. 

You matter the most. Okay? 

I felt my solar plexus ease. 

I continued, Lis I want to stand out too and we will in this pretty peach dress right here. We will look professional and stylish. 

I affirmed her.

I kept my commitment, went to the luncheon and met people who were in need of my help as a Life Coach.

Don’t continue to self sabotage.

Do you want to learn how to meet and reconnect with your Inner Child. 

Do you want to learn how to leverage this special relationship between you and your Inner Child to your advantage? 

Let’s connect.

Since I took full responsibility for my Inner Child’s well being back in 2015, when I first learned of this incredible healing modality, I now instinctively know how to calm her down and give her what she needs so that she doesn’t lash out and demand it from others. 

I feel more empowered and know what to do to and what to give myself when anxious, stressed, or triggered. I am less reactive and more present and there’s more ease and flow in my life.

So with God’s guidance I soothe her and I take the lead on making decisions and taking the necessary actions. 

Anytime you put off doing something it’s likely that your inner child needs you. 

Procrastination presents an opportunity to love yourself through care, nurturing and ultimately action.

I truly believe that when humanity commits to learning how to reconnect with their Inner Child, depression, anxiety, overwhelm and stress will cease to exist at the extreme level it is now. 

When we know how to show up for ourselves, we can’t be manipulated.

When we are self loving and fulfilled by going to our Source, God, The Creator, and then applying divine guidance to care for our wounded selves, life gets better. 

This is true spirituality and it doesn’t involve a church, or religious dogma. It’s about the intimate and deep connection to your Creator and Source of all of your enduring, eternal love.

I have a client in her 50’s who is very arrested in her development. She presents in a girlish way. She worked on herself with me for over a year, and now she’s traveling alone, doing the things she wants to do for her own fulfillment. 

She learned how to connect with her Inner Child and speak to it, love it, discipline it and soothe it. 

Her life has changed for the better. She leveled up.

She’s getting herself ready to attract her ideal person. First, she needed time to connect with herself and achieve some important goals.

Procrastination was not an option. 

If you’re reading this nodding your head in agreement and are curious how to connect with your wounded Inner Child, let’s connect. 

Sometimes all it takes is a new method or practice to change in a massive way. 

The coaching I do is integrative coaching. This means that the modalities and tools I use are designed to create lasting change through new thinking and new behaviors. 

For info on how you can create your best life, take action. 

Connect with me here and let’s get you moving forward. 

You got this!



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